Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 30 night - the night train to Bangkok

Still on day 30 - We were on this train back to Bangkok. I took the lower deck this time. Ben was keen to go to the food cart for a drink. So we did. There was music, there was good vibe, there were nice friendly people. We played some drinking games. Somehow I managed to get myself really drunk again. We had the Lao Lao and the Thai whisky. What an evil match.

There was the Thai undercover police sitting at the corner of the food cart. He looked pretty drunk to me. He and the staff on the train were really really friendly to everyone and everyone was having so much fun. I sat by the policeman's table, had some food and chatted with him. He was drinking that whisky. I was supposed to make him drunk thought would be more fun. But it was the other way round. He was drunk, i was beyond drunk.

It was good fun in the food cart but it was a bit nasty at the end. Not here to mention to embarrase myself once again on paper.

It was definitely better to sleep in the lower deck than upper deck. I had real good sleep.

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